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arte terapia una risorsa preziosa nella relazione di cura
Arte Terapia - una risorsa preziosa nella relazione di cura
Thursday 06 June 2024 at 18:00   Presentation of the projectCarlo Zauli Museum in Faenza   ART THERAPYA PRECIOUS RESOURCE IN THE CARE RELATIONSHIP   Introduces Benedetta Savini, Director and Curator of the Renzo Savini House Museum   Interventions by Matteo ...
arte follia e utopia identichi
Arte, Follia e Utopia ~ Identi-Chi?
Thursday 11 April 2024 at 6.30pm   intervene   ART, MADNESS AND UTOPIA   Roberta Bonazza, historian and curator of cultural projects A story, a true story: that of the painting atelier opened in 1957inside the Verona Psychiatric ...
trittico fra case illustri
Trittico fra Case Illustri
Thursday 14 March 2024 at 6.30pm   Genius loci and the invisible energy that inhabits it.New opportunities for places and people to meet     They interveneMarco Tramonti, president of the Guerrino Tramonti Casa Museum Foundation ...
contessa adele viaggio sentimentale
Contessa Adele, viaggio sentimentale
Friday 23 February 2024 at 6.30pm   Book presentation   COUNTESS ADELE sentimental journey   by Riccardo Ferniani   moderated by Federico Baldi Ghetti and Domenico Emiliani Zauli Naldi   In the Romagna of the great landed families which, at the end of ...
art city bologna 2024
Art City Bologna 2024
arte e bellezza
Arte e Bellezza
Presentation of the routes   DIMENSION   Villa Bella Antiaging Care Group   medical center Bologna   Friday 15 December 2023 6.00pm – 8.00pm
grafologia per non addetti ai lavori
Grafologia per non addetti ai lavori
Thursday 9 November 2023 at 6pm Conversation on Graphology   by Dr.ssa Sonia Bortolotti
3tre on tour 2023
3Tre On Tour 2023
Thursday 26 October at 7pm   This year too, the journey to the Ski World Cup race which will take place in Bologna begins Madonna di Campiglio on 22 December 2023.An evening dedicated ...
i salotti culturali bolognesi di ieri e oggi
I Salotti Culturali Bolognesi di Ieri e Oggi
Cycle of Cultural Conferences   1st meeting   intervenes   Nicoletta Barberini Mengoli journalist by Resto del Carlino
historia valorizzazione beni culturali
HISTORIA Valorizzazione Beni Culturali
Sunday 28 May 2023 at 11:00   HISTORIA Valorization of Cultural Heritage proposes an atelier at CASAMUSEORENZOSAVINI: the paper.We reflect on where books are and what they are for, through supporting graphic materials and ...
dimore storiche e case della memoria dei personaggi illustri nuovi paradigmi culturali europei
Dimore Storiche e Case della Memoria dei Personaggi Illustri: nuovi paradigmi culturali Europei
Thursday 4 May 2023 at 18:00   House Museums, Houses of Illustrious Persons as new opportunities for visitsCycle of 3 Conferences   1st meeting:Historic Houses and Houses of Memory of Illustrious Personalities: new European cultural ...
bologna e le acque sotterranee
Bologna e le acque sotterranee
Tuesday 4 April 2023   Exclusive event for Cultural Associations   they talk about itArch. Nicolette Gandolfi(freelance)   Dr. Jacopo Ibello(Association of friends of the waterways and undergrounds of Bologna)  
case e studi delle persone illustri dellemiliaromagna
Case e Studi delle Persone Illustri dell'Emilia-Romagna
We are pleased to announce that with Resolution no. 283/2023, the Emilia-Romagna Region has completed the first recognition campaign for the assignment of the "Houses and Studies of Illustrious People of ...
performance la casa percorso interiore
Performance: La Casa - Percorso Interiore
Thursday 23 March 2023 at 19:00   Dance performance   conceived and directed by Roberta Mongardi and Silvia TraversiThe meeting is introduced by Elena Di Gioia, delegate for Culture of Bologna and the Metropolitan City   The ...
Conferenza Prof. Ing. Gabriele Falciasecca
Conference by Prof. Ing. Gabriele Falciasecca for the members of the Galileo Galilei Cultural Circle   - The pros and cons of artificial intelligence, an increasingly used technology.
i portici di bologna una bellezza patrimonio unesco
I portici di Bologna: una bellezza patrimonio UNESCO,
Thursday 9 February 2023 at 18:30   Conference   The arcades of Bologna: a UNESCO heritage beauty   the architect Nicoletta Gandolfi talks about it,moderated by the journalist Nicoletta Barberini MengoliAn evening dedicated to arcades, with a ...
art city bologna 2023
Art City Bologna 2023
animali e animaliers
Animali e Animaliers
3Tre on Tour 2022
3Tre On Tour 2022
a me gli occhi
A me gli Occhi!
Thursday 9 June - 6.30 pm   Daniela Campogrande meets the artist designer Luca Ferrari with a surprise guest!A very special evening, where Art, Magic, Music and Design will find their perfect harmony ...
larte tra intelligenza artificiale nft e blockchain
L'Arte tra Intelligenza Artificiale, NFT e Blockchain
Saturday 14 May 2022 - 11:00 a.m.     Conference   Lavinia Savini, lawyer, partner of FPBLegal (Milan - Trieste - Bologna) UIA representative at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization)Enrico Al Mureden, Full Professor of Civil ...
presentazione larte dello styling
Presentazione "L'arte dello styling"
Thursday 5 May 2022 - 6.30 pm   Event in collaboration with Daniela Campogrande Susanna Ausoni and Antonio Mancinelli will present the book "L'arte dello styling" Come raccontarsi attraverso i vestiti"  
Next Events
- Friday 21 January 2022 - 6.30 pmThe opening of the rooms is scheduled to coincide with Arte Fiera, and therefore postponed to spring (together with Arte Fiera). - Wednesday 2 March - 6.30 ...
presentazione museo remo brindisi
Presentazione Museo Remo Brindisi
Friday 8 April 2022 - 6.30 pm   The event will be attended by the Councilor for Tourism, Culture and Museum Heritage of the Municipality of Comacchio, the architect Emanuele Mari, Dr. Laura ...
presentazione fango e risate
Presentazione "Fango e Risate"
presentazione laffare modigliani
Presentazione "l'Affare Modigliani"